понедельник, 11 июля 2011 г.

Electrostatic butterfly in the bank

"Electrostatic" butterfly bank
Electrostatic butterfly in the bank

It is a well-known experiments with electrostatics still at school, an amazing model of foil and tissue paper suddenly start to float and behave as living objects. It is this phenomenon and made use of Japanese designers, creating an entertaining gadget. Artificial butterfly coloring, close to the natural, is placed in a jar and behaves like a living, you just knocked the jar with your finger. The gadget is powered by three batteries of the form factor AA, for creating an electric field.

Sales entertaining toys is scheduled to begin in September 2010.

For those who can not wait now to get such a toy, it makes sense to get acquainted with the experiments of physics teachers from Kazan, Ravil Nasyrovicha Asaka. His physical experiments in the school were the impetus for the invention of interesting and informative game - start flying figures and three-dimensional models and management by means of an electrostatic field.

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