"13; 15.I was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast and spoke and acted so that the killing was anyone who would not worship the image of the beast.
13, 16. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or on their forehead.
13, 17. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or name of the beast or the number of his name.
13, 18. Here is wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of man, and his number six hundred sixty-six. "
You can say that the implantation of chips in the body is made from the distant 1987. While the experiments were conducted on animals. Chip for animals is a chip coated with vitreous material that is compatible with biological tissues and not fused with them. Usually it is implanted with a needle between the shoulder blades. With the scanner reads the chip identification number, which compared to a database, and now it is clear exactly who said "meow" or "wow", what was the name of its owner, and where he lives.
The American company Applied Digital Solutions sells a model of a microchip that will be implanted in the human body. The chip has very small dimensions - 11 mm in length, 2.1 mm in diameter. To date, VeriChip - is founded February 7, 2002 a corporation wholly owned by Applied Digital Solutions. VeriChip is made up of an FDA-approved materials and may contain information that is equivalent in terms of six lines of printed text. Now stop talking about the ADS volume, replacing it with a unique verification number [unique verification number]. This number is read by an external scanner, which transmits a radio frequency through the skin by a small amount of energy needed to dormant VeriChip "alive" and gave a radio signal with a number.
Implants will be certified in all clinics without any restrictions. It can be implanted as a result of a simple surgical procedure using local anesthesia. After surgery, no stitches remain. Representatives of Applied Digital Solutions is optimistic claim that in the near future chips will be used instead of identity documents and, in particular, passports.
Remember, as we are forced to make a paper identification number - without a job will not take, do not get credit. A similar story and chips - will take time and it will be.
The scope is very broad, judge for yourself:
- control of dangerous medical condition of patients
- tracking endangered wildlife animals or pets
- control of livestock and other farm animals
- the exact location of valuable stolen items or property
- detection Airlines lost baggage and mail packages
- tracking potential criminals and to prevent possible crimes
- commodity supply chain management, prevention of unauthorized use of firearms
- software proof of identity
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